15 Tips What to Say to a Girl You Just Met

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Gone are the days when every man could approach any woman and know what to say, asking her out. Now, most guys are afraid and shy to do it. It is easier for a young man to go online and find a pretty girl in a social network or on a special website. Therefore, many guys do not approach girls in cafes, restaurants and just on the street. And even if a girl likes the young man, the likelihood that he will approach her is extremely small. Banal fear binds the guy and does not allow him to step over his insecurity, which, perhaps, has become a part of his destiny.

Because many men of any age do have problems with getting acquainted with girls, there have appeared a huge number of businessmen, who organize all sorts of pick-up and seduction courses. It is worth noting that these coaches earn good money because a considerable number of men are confident that these courses will help them master the secrets of seducing women in the shortest possible time. But there are no secrets in acquaintance with the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. You can learn a few tricks and conversation starters, of course, but the main part of success always depends on you.

what to say to a girl you just met

First Things First: How to Approach a Girl

If you want your acquaintance with any girl to be crowned with success, then you need to prepare for the meeting. No matter when and where you decide to start a conversation with a girl, you need to be polite, funny and respect her personal space. After all, a woman only needs 45 seconds to make a first impression of you and decide whether she stays with you or leaves. You need to make the most out of these few moments and show your best parts. And if you get rejected, accept the choice of a girl with dignity and your head held high. There are still so many beautiful single women out there. But to forget about the whole existence of the word "rejection" and always win the heart of a person you approach; you need to consider the next tips.

The 3-seconds rule

This effective principle is connected with the fear to approach a girl when you feel the internal block about coming up to someone on the street and do not know what to say when approaching a girl. The thing is, you should mentally make yourself a promise to come up to someone, then silently count "three, two, one" and go do it. After you get off the place, the brain turns off and doesn’t turn on until the moment you reach your goal and say, "hello." It is a very simple rule.

Appearance and style

If you want to make a good impression, clothes and shoes should always be clean. Do not forget to iron your shirts and t-shirts, it can be seen straight away if you were in a rush or did not care how you look. Also, you should regularly wash your hair, and cut your nails. The wrong sized clothes are a very common mistake that can screw up the outfit. If you want to make a good impression you should look stylish. This does not mean looking like models from the glossy covers of fashion magazines. The best idea is to stick to a casual style as the most versatile and modern urban one.

How to attract attention

How to make acquaintance with a beautiful girl right on the street? Most people on the street mind their own business and are focused on their thoughts. If you want to catch someone’s eye – stay in the adequate line of sight. The best option is to approach a person from the side. You should not "sneak up" to the girl from behind or block her path. This will only scare her off. As soon as you are in her visibility zone, you need to “catch” her gaze and smile. That's all. She has noticed you.

The perfect phrase to start a conversation is, "Hi."

If you do not know what to say to a girl, just greet her and the most difficult part is over. Now you can start chatting. What to talk about? This is not so important. There are no universal correct phrases that work wonders. The girl has already appreciated your appearance, ability to keep the conversation going, confidence and naturalness. She has already decided for herself whether she wants to continue acquaintance and if yes, she will support any conversation that you start.

sweet things to say to a girlAny experience, even if it is negative is an experience

Understand an important point, gentlemen, people learn from their mistakes. It has always been and always will be so. We learned to walk through falling. We learned to write by making mistakes. No invention in the world appeared immediately. Only in school for some reason, they made us ashamed of mistakes. Unfortunately, since then we treat fails differently. But it is necessary to realize the importance of negative experience, and you will be simply inspired to receive it again and again until you get something successful. Remember that Edison, before inventing the lamp, made thousands of failed attempts! Imagine only. Thousands...

What to Say to a Girl You Just Met in Real Life

All nice things to say to a girl can be divided into two common ways to start a conversation. Straightforward approach. No matter how many phrases for acquaintance are there, being honest and open about your feelings still works wonders. I think you already guessed what we mean. Even if you see the girl for the first time in your life, come up to her and directly inform of your intentions, so that she understands what exactly you need from her from the very beginning. It is clear that spoiled by male attention and an abundance of diverse approaches for dating, some modern girls can be quite skeptical about this approach. But there is still nothing easier than coming up and saying, "Hey beauty, shall we get a cup of coffee?"

Attentive approach. But you can be more graceful when choosing things to say to a girl you just met on the street. To do this, you need to scan the chosen girl and find something in her behavior or appearance that you can stick to. Well, for example, a girl is dressed in a light short dress, and the wind is blowing outside. Such a combination makes her feel discomfort. In this case, you can approach the girl and tell her how funny she looks from the outside in her unequal struggle with the elements of nature and suggests having a cup of warm coffee somewhere nearby.

And now let’s consider more specific situations and cute things to say to a girl in these cases.

Example 1. A girl walks down the street and is sad or smiles
- Hello girl! You smile so sweetly that I wanted to talk to you. Today was not a good day for me, but I hope that it's not a total loss, and you will bring some positive emotions into it.
- Girl, hello! Are you alright? You look quite sad. I promise I will do everything possible to help you with whoever or whatever made you upset.

Example 2. A night club, anti-cafe or festival

If the girl is left alone in the place where you are supposed to spend time in busy companies, feel free to approach her. Just watch the young lady in advance to make sure that she did not come here with her boyfriend.
- Hello! And why are you here alone? Have you also run away from your friends, like me?
- Hello girl! My friends and I were playing a cool game, and they told me not to come back until I amuse the lonely pretty girl in this corner. How did it happen that you sit here alone?

Example 3. In a queue

- Hi! Sorry to bother you, but I'm just tired of scrolling through Instagram, and I would prefer to spend the time talking with a real person. How about getting to know each other?
- Hi, beauty! Tell me, please, have you already been to this doctor? It’s a shame to admit, but I am very afraid of dentists, and now I am trying to calm down. And you hold so well! What is your secret?

Example 4. In any place, when you do not know where to start

If you cannot express your thoughts, find sweet things to say to a girl and correctly formulate the reason for which you approached, then in your first phrase, it is better, to tell the truth. This is a very beautiful movie. The girl will feel that you are saying what you think and will find it very nice, even if you do not feel a strong confidence in yourself.
- Hi! I do not know why, but I wanted to come to you and talk. My name is …, and yours?
- Hello! I wanted to talk to you. But I do not know at all what they say in such cases ... My name is …, and what about you?

What to Say to a Girl You Just Met Online

It often happens that you are handsome and quite sociable, so you can easily get the number of one of those single girls online you like. But what to do next? What should you write about? You need to start a conversation in such a way that the girl gets interested and wants to continue. So, what to say to a girl you just met online?

Be original

Do you know what your trouble is? The fact that you are boring, monotonous and patterns-using. Why would she want to spend time on you? You think you do everything right. You are afraid of offending her, losing her. But this does not cause her any emotions. And that's your big problem.

You write her standard phrases, “Hello, how are you?” “Goodnight.” “Good morning, did you sleep well, what did you dream of?” “How is your day?” First, it is important to use the sense of humor: jokes and non-standard answers. All this you have to invest in a small message, brevity is the soul of wit, and this works when you think over what to say to a girl on Tinder.

Write outside the box

  • “Did you dream of pink penguins?”
  • “Did you have a dream of robbing a bank?”
  • “Have you already conquered open space in your fantasies today?”

And so on. Act according to the situation and be like no one else. That's what drives girls crazy. The first contact is very important, remember this.

Naturally, it also depends on your goals, character (both yours and hers). Here are some more conversation-starters when you wonder what to say to a girl you just met on social networks or a dating site.

  • “I would like to meet with you. Do you mind my arrogance?” here you should immediately declare your desires, but at the same time, show that the opinion of a girl matters to you.
  • “I saw you today. You look great! ”- here the guy is trying to attract attention in two ways at once: he is interested and makes a compliment
  • "Beautiful photos. Where were they taken? ”- a positive assessment and open expression of interest.

Giving a lot of standard phrases for communication is useless because the guy has to take the initiative. You can come up with a lot of examples, the main thing there should be no vulgarity, open flattery, ambiguity in your talk.

nice things to say to a girl10 Best Questions to Ask a Girl You Just Met

Ask the right and open questions. Open questions are those that she cannot answer with one phrase. For example, yes/ no/ good. These are questions like, “What did you do today?” “What emotions did this film cause in you?” “What aftertaste did you have after our meeting?” She will begin to list various thoughts giving you more topics to catch and continue the conversation.

Don't ask her how she's doing. Better ask her what her mood is. You communicate with a girl and want to cause her to feel more emotions. So, appeal to these emotions, ask about them! “What are you interested in?” “What feelings have remained after this event?”

The main advice for the guy about the questions you can ask a girl is to immediately forget about pick-up phrases. In the early 2000s, when this trend was only beginning to gain popularity, questions like, “In which position you like to sleep” could still be of interest to dialogue. Today, girls see pick-up lines a mile away, and, more often, they cause a desire not to engage in dialogue, but to run away from someone who is still trying to use them. Again, if a serious relationship is of no interest to the guy, and the chosen one does not look particularly choosy and experienced, pick-up tricks can also work. But we are going to list ten best questions to ask a girl that is practical and nice.

  • Question 1. What is your favorite quote? When asking about books or films is too predictable, come up with another way to understand her thinking and open the soul.
  • Question 2. What colors of clothes do you prefer? It will tell you about her character and style, do they correspond to yours?
  • Question 3. If you were invited to play in a movie, what role would you like to perform?
  • Question 4. What shouldn't you tell your parents? A perfect one to spice things a little bit up.
  • Question 5. If you wrote a book, what would it be about? Let’s be honest, who did not think of writing a book?
  • Question 6. When was the last moment you smiled sincerely? And let’s hope that her answer will include your meeting.
  • Question 7. Are you a cat or a dog person?
  • Question 8. What do you most often buy in the store? Food topics are best, and if your meal tastes coincide, you will make a perfect couple.
  • Question 9. What does catch your attention more: a look, a touch or voice? People perceive this world differently, maybe you find similar things beautiful in each other.
  • Question 10. Describe the most awkward moment in your life! Here is, of course, a place for a funny story or to insert a joke to make the atmosphere less formal.

Final Thoughts

When approaching girls, try to choose uncrowded places, so as not to embarrass the girl with strangers, but at the same time, avoid situations where she may feel insecure. When meeting, do not forget to say hello and emphasize why the choice fell on her by giving her compliments.

Try to make the girl smile, it is a sure sign that she is accepting your attention, and even if she refuses the offer to talk, she will not accuse you of harassment and trying to accuse you of something.

Do not use banal phrases. It is better to say the first thing that came to mind, even if it may seem silly. You cannot predict the situation. Be ready to accept rejection in any case. Do not be afraid of this and take it easy. A girl can have thousands of reasons for this not related to you, you do not know much about her life. It is important that you act and develop. One day you will meet the love of your life just because you are not afraid of coming up, writing and initiating the conversation first.

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